
We Know Nothing

THAT Disruptive Campaign


Because Signal does not believe in taking people’s data, targeting using personal information – which is the standard for modern marketing – is not an option.

We Know Nothing establishes a new way of doing things that runs counter to everything else that exists. Kind of like Signal. It’s a campaign to create and test the art and science of data-free marketing. 

It’s never been more important to safeguard your data. These ads might make you actually care.
— FastCompany

Big Tech has been stealing your data for years.

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Banned ads expose Big Tech

We tried to give social media users visibility into the immense amount of personal data Facebook takes to target them by putting their data directly in some of our ads. Within 24 hours, Signal’s Facebook ad account was suspended.


Protect Yourself

Taraji shows us how vulnerable we are to companies taking your information.


Group chat in peace

Jordan Firstman shows the power of being able to express yourself freely in online conversations when you know your data is protected with Signal’s end-to-end encryption.


Santa is a data thief

He’s making a list and taking your personal data from Big Tech to make his job easier.


We got kicked off social and people noticed

“We got our client kicked off social and it turned out to be the biggest brand debate of 2021.”
- Nathan Phillips, Co-Founder

Read about THAT Signal Strategy on CNBC.


Signal makes a statement and safeguards your data.

Building a brand without stealing personal data is nearly impossible. But we’re doing it with Signal - and Fast Company noticed.




Immersive Van Gogh