Technology, Humans and Taste designs concepts and strategies that solve problems for brands and other people.

Reunion – Brand Launch

The spirits have a plan for saving the world, and it starts with Reunion. This brand launch follows a family that’s been reunited with themselves and each other to help facilitate reunions for others through their CBD practice. Every asset, from the film to the branding, communicates the idea of “reunion”.


Chief – Brand Launch

We are excited to celebrate Women’s Future Month with Chief by launching this bold spot to the world. Created and directed by women, it tells the story of a near future when we learn that maybe we aren’t quite as advanced as we’d like to think. This entire campaign which includes multiple touchpoints across media is intended to start a conversation about changing the face of leadership.


W Magazine – Worn

For this intimate film series with fashion influencers for W Magazine, we asked beautiful people to share stories about their ugliest piece of clothing. The documentaries tell powerful stories about creativity and identity.


Signal – Protect Yourself

Launched on January 28, International Data Privacy Day, “Protect Yourself” stars Taraji Henson as she takes us on a tour of her house, highlighting the tracking devices hiding in plain sight and reminding us that we have “more followers than we think”. Taraji shows us how vulnerable we are and then shows us the only solution. The only truly private place on your phone, Signal.


421 – Brand Launch

A full brand manifestation for 421 Media with nothing to go on but their vision for their product. We guided this modern media company to discover their mission, vision, voice, visual identity, and brand behavior.